Placing an order is quick and easy!

Order Forms & Purchasing Information

Step 1: Download our convenient, easy to fill out electronic order form.

Contact us at 800-572-2648 x 1 or for NDC Translator purchasing information or volume pricing.

Download RxScan Ultra Order Form

Download Plus Prescription Verifier Order Form

Please Note: You will need the free Adobe Reader to view and download the order form.

Download Adobe Reader

Step 2: Billing and Shipping information

Fill out the Bill To information. Fill out the Ship To information.

Make sure you fill in your email address and telephone number, in case we have to contact you about your order.

Step 3: Order Information

Fill in the number of each item you wish to order and the form will automatically calculate the total cost for the total number of each item you wish to purchase.

Ohio residents please select 7% Sales Tax. The form will calculate the sales tax in the box next to the words “Sales Tax.”

Enter the shipping charges in the box next to the words “Shipping.” Shipping is $18 for the first item and $6 for each additional item.

Step 4: Reviewing Your Order

Carefully check your order form to make sure the information is correct.

Then sign and date the order.

Step 5: Submit Order

Please submit all orders to:

Fax: (740) 548-1745 or email to

Contact Us Today

We are always happy to assist you or answer any questions.

(800) 572-2648


“Since using NDC Translator, we have noticed a large improvement in the standardization of NDC codes in our current bedside solution. We also use RoboCheck to improve the efficiency of checking and to reduce errors in items being dispensed to the floor.”

Community Hospital

TJ Samson

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